I know it's here somewhere. My brain, that is. Amidst the mountains of diapers, the make-shift tent draped over the dining room table, the endless dirty bottles and the hundreds of toys I keep tripping on, I know it's here. See, the trouble is, as soon as I think I've spotted it the baby decides an 8 minute nap will suffice for the day or my 18 month old thinks diaper cream is the newest body paint fad and covers her head in it. Motherhood. It's endless, it's exhausting, it's stressful... and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
I suppose I should start by introducing you to the three characters that have inspired me to share our daily trials and tribulations with you. After all, they are the only reason I could even fathom taking on a blog along with the other thousands of things I try to accomplish each day.
My oldest, Riley, is 4 and he's got quite the imagination and gift of gab. If he's not building or creating it, he's talking about it with the amount of detail that only a Mother's patience could handle (or at least pretend to - it's amazing where head nodding with a big cheesy grin on your face can get you in life). I envision him one day writing instruction manuals on how to build spaceships or skyscrapers and then saying "The heck with it! I'll just build it myself". He spends his days creating intricate towers out of blocks in impossible configurations that you can be puzzled over for hours. Oh, and just when you think you've figured it out, he knocks it down and does it again. He's a genius, really. He's extremely thoughtful albeit a little defiant and you simply can't help yourself but to fall in love with him every time he sweetly says how much he adores his "Gorgeous Princess sisters".
Olivia, our middle child, is 18 months and ferocious. I probably should have chosen "Ornery" as her middle name instead of "Grace". Cuddly one minute, slapping you the next, she is the most lovable mischevious child you will ever meet. She's got the energy of a race horse and she's not afraid to tell you like it is in her adorable toddler babble. She knows more words than most 2 year olds and I'm growing more and more afraid that soon she's going to figure out how to put those words together and tell us all off. She has the face of an angel and idolizes her big brother more than you could imagine. We love her endlessly and 99% of the time she is the main source of our hysterical laughter.
The newest addition, Natalie, is just shy of being 1 month old and from what we can tell so far she's a pretty cool kid. Does she sleep? Absolutely not. She has smiled once or twice though and those baby blues of hers are mesmerizing. Sometimes when she decides to surprise me by taking a real nap I can actually forget she's there. Never fret, however, as it only takes a moment for me to be knee-deep in making lunch for two starving children (or changing her big sister's diaper while brother Riley announces he wants chocolate milk for the 3rd time) before her cries shoot me straight back to reality. If only I had octopus arms, oh the things I could do!
So, yep, those are my kids. Each so different in their own way and for those differences we love them even more. Perhaps that's the biggest reason and driving force for why I've decided to do this blog thing. There isn't a day that goes by where something completely unbelievable, funny or just entertaining happens and I think "Man, I wish I could record this... this one moment of the day that I'd give anything to look back on when the kids are grown. Something to make me cry, laugh or shake my head in wonder. To relive it as if it were happening all over again." Give me enough time in every day to jot something down and 20 years of life to reflect back on and perhaps this blog will be the answer I was looking for. Or, maybe the only real lesson I'll truly gather from all of this is that I was insane. Oh well, better to be insane than boring! Nevertheless, if I have to go through this journey on a daily basis than so do you. It only seems fair. =)
Another day, another adventure... and who knows, maybe I'll enjoy the ride a tad more without my brain. Afterall, I've made it this far without it, why look for it now?
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